Dr Frank James speaking in Sliammon on the health effects of the proposed Texada Island coal export expansion (public event)

Francewhoa's picture
Event Date: 
Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 1:00pm

Dr Frank James speaking in Sliammon Sunday Oct 20th at 1pm at the Salish Centre on the health effects of the proposed Texada Island coal export expansion

All are welcome. Free event.

Host: CaroleAnn

* Citizens of Lasqueti would be expose to dirty coal dust. Check out the map and information at https://www.facebook.com/groups/364120066944114/permalink/616966714992780/
* The same event is also in Texada Island on Saturday, October 19th at 7pm, at the Community Hall, Gillies Bay: https://www.facebook.com/events/213249472132383/
* That broadcast event could be handy if you can't attend in person: https://www.facebook.com/events/216560228505364/ or http://nomorecoalexports.com/livebroadcasts
* Thanks to CaroleAnn for the information about the event
* Details at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151699166851009&set=gm.524390677643260&type=1&theater
* This new facebook event is set to PUBLIC so all have access


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