Two Stewardship Awards for nominations

There are two stewardship award programs run by the Islands Trust, one local for Lasqueti and one trust-wide.

The Lasqueti Trust Committee's Stewardship Award is asking for nominations before April 15, and suggests that they be sent to out planner, Linda Prowse at the northern office, 700 North Road, Gabriola Island, V0R 1X3  email:    lprowse [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca Please send the name of the person or group you are nominating and a description of the things that they have been doing that you would like to recognize and appreciate. Call Linda (250) 247-2200 or one of the local trustees for more information.  The Stewardship Award has been presented for the last two years: 2011 to Doug Hopwood and 2012 to Pat Forbes.

Islands Trust Council is seeking nominations for its 2013 Community Stewardship Awards, looking for "someone (or a business or group) that deserves an award for helping to make your island or community a better place". Nomination forms and more informaiton are available at   This site has full information about the awards, and past nominees and winners.To receive a form by mail or fax, call Jas Chonk at 250-405-5164 (toll free through 1-800-663-7867). Deadline for nominations is April 26.

For more information, call one of the local trustees:  Peter 8785   Susan 8589


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