Community Hall: Notice of burning this week

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 - 8:00am - Friday, March 1, 2013 - 4:00pm

Notice of burning at the hall this week, starting as early as Tuesday morning.

The LCA grounds committee has been applying a multi-prong approach to deal with the slash at the hall that was created as part of the tree cutting last week. There is no perfect way to handle the slash, and the plan includes a mix of salvage, burning, crushing and berming, with a goal of mitigating concerns.

(a) Last week and over the weekend, there was some salvage for firewood and artisanal use

(b) Stumps at the periphery were left in-ground. Stumps that were removed were kept separate to the degree possible and most were piled in a berm on the adjacent property (my property).

(c) Some non-merchantable logs (broken, partially rotting) and a some branches will be left on site, dispersed to minimize fire risk

(d) Some will be crushed and dispersed on site

(e) Remaining branches will be burned


This approach aims to

(i) minimize fire hazard of branch piles

(ii) minimize greenhouse gas emissions (methane and nitrous oxide) from burning wet wood

(iii) allow the burn to be hot, and be completed quickly

(iv) divert salvage wood to woodstoves (which would indirectly leave trees standing elsewhere on the island) and artisanal use


Apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and understanding while the grounds work proceeds.


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