Winter Solstice Community Gathering

Event Date: 
Friday, December 21, 2012 - 6:00pm

There is a special silence in winter. It helps create a stillness in us that echoes the season. It is both a radiant and harrowingly dark time. After months of endless work and striving we can give ourselves the gift of winter. A time of rest, peace and inner nourishment, so we can re-emerge in the spring revitalized by its quiet healing magic.

There is a fragile and luminous beauty at this time of year like no other. And there is a wonderful bravery in each of us that rises again and again to live, despite our death dealing culture. We struggle every day, each in our own way to proclaim the coming of the light of the darkest time imaginable. We are all lights shining in the darkness!

Come celebrate Winter Solstice with our community with a potluck and simple rituals.

Friday December 21 6pm @ the Community Hall

Please bring

  • a small monetary donation to help cover the costs of hall rental,
  • a potluck dish to share,
  • a candle that can be held in your hand (lighting of an advent spiral) and
  • acoustic musical instruments & drums,
  • an offering to add to a collectively made altar

Please contact Jaylene if you would like to be a part of planning and setting up this evening.
phone 240-5683 or email radicaltreewoman [at] gmail [dot] com


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