Fall Fair 2012

Event Date: 
Saturday, September 29, 2012 - 2:00pm - 11:00pm

The Fall Fair will be held this year on Saturday, Sept. 29 starting at 2pm at the Community Hall.

Lots of activities, games and displays with a focus on connecting people with local producers and skills. Come out and see what people are producing on our island. See attached flyer for more details.

Dinner with local food at 5:30 followed by square dancing with the Stowaways.


   Whole day including dinner: adults: $20, kids 6-12: $10, kids under 6: free, family: $45.

   Entry only (no dinner): adults: $8, kids 6-12: $4, kids under 6: free, family: $20.


What to bring: the whole family, as well as

- wine, bread, apple pie, jam and salsa for the friendly competitions

- young people can bring chocolate zucchini cake for a friendly competition

- an instrument for music on the porch

- seeds for the seed exchange

- maul for the wood splitting competition

- apples and pears for the taste comparison

- odd vegetables for kids and adults to create compostable creatures


We are looking for a few more volunteers, especially child "daycare" to help volunteering parents, kitchen cleanup and cleanup crew for the following Sunday morning.


If you want to set up a display or volunteer, contact Jenny Vester or Andrew Fall.

Fundraiser for community hall projects, sponsored by the Lasqueti Community Association

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With an emphasis on supporting local artists and performers, and coming together to celebrate a shared sense of community...

fallfair2012flyer.pdf167.27 KB


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