Laing Family Tree

I am researching the Laing family tree which has roots in Roxburgshire Scotland.

Members of this family emmigrated to Southern Ontario between 1837 and 1852 as individuals or as family units.

over a period of 4 decades some moved to various places in the USA.

In the late 1890's and early 1900's members of this family group moved to the prairies.

Records confirm that some individuals from the prairie group settled and started families in various parts of British Columbia.

The name Laing appears on a street sign and a street mural on the island.

Hopefully this email will encourage people to share information that may lead to distant relatives.

My email address is abbatruck [at] hotmail [dot] com  

Looking forward to your feedback 

Yes, my family has visited British Columbia and we agree that it much more beautiful than Ontario.

Hugh Laing   

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