Large Wild Cherry and Bull Kelp Wooden Spoon Basket Workshop
Friday July 13th, 10:30 to 5:30 - 6:00, at Dazy's, in beautiful Squitty Bay. Last year, this was a two day workshop, but several speedy keeners finished in a day, so we'll give it a try. If you've all ready made a wooden spoon basket, we'll kick it up a few sizes and make a beautiful waste paper basket. We'll be using wild cherry bark, and other mixed media, such as bull kelp, split cedar roots and cedar bark. Bring a pair of strong scissors, a measuring tape, garden clips, and something to share for a pot luck lunch. No previous weaving experience is necessary. Cost of this workshop is $50.00, all materials included. Class size is limited, so please phone ahead to reserve a space. Accommodations are available for off islanders. Dazy 250-333-8566
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