Nia Playshop

Event Date: 
Saturday, September 3, 2011 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Event Date: 
Sunday, September 4, 2011 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Join me for my premier Nia Playshop!
Reconnect with you mind, body, emotion and spirit through the joy of movement.
Nia is a fusion fitness that was developed over 25 years ago, combing nine traditional techniques from the martial arts, the dance arts and the healing arts.
Nias philosophy is rooted in cultivating awareness, experiencing the joy of movement, and celebrating uniqueness.
Nia delivers a fun, effective and powerful life practice for any fitness or movement experience level.
Nia is traditionally done barefoot and in comfortable clothes.
Nia is danced to diverse music chosen carefully to stimulate and inspire.
Saturday Sept. 3rd and Sunday Sept. 4th
 at The Lasqueti Community Center from 2:00p -3:30p
Cost: $15 (both days) or drop in for $10 (per day)


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