Self Acupressure Workshop

Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

One Day self acupressure workshop: Wed May 18th


Learn over 22 acu points and how to put them together to support your own health and well being.

The day begins with Qi Gong exercise to open and balance your energy.

The majority of the class will be learning how to access, hold and combine points for optimum effects, for example working with headaches or shoulder pain.

By the end of the day you will feel truly relaxed and have a new tool kit to help you, support your friends and family, or even add to an existing practice.

Pot luck lunch.

Available as a sliding scale $89 - $179 (Registration necessary)

For more information go to , email [at] adriaellis [dot] com or call 250 240 4887


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