Efficient Wood Heating Workshop
location: the hall
Cost: free!
12:00 - Introduction and opening discussion about wood burning on Lasqueti.
12:20 - Susan M and Gail F will discuss the options for selecting and purchasing efficent burning and minimally polluting wood stoves.
1:00 - Local Food Potluck - bring and share something grown here on Lasqueti.
2:00 - Doug H. will share his knowledge about forest management and stewardship and walk us around the hall discussing how to select trees to harvest for fire wood.
3:15 - Boris K. will give us a presentation about wood combustion and about masonary heaters.
Come on out and share your thoughts on the subject.
To Bring: A local food dish for the Potluck. Books you have at home about wood burning and related topics.
This event is brought to you by your Local Trust Committee as part of our Climate Change Mitigation Project.
Jen Gobby
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