Community Hall Workparty

Event Date: 
Sunday, June 6, 2010 - 10:00am - 4:00pm

The LCA believes it's time to cross a few big important things off the Hall Improvements List.  We invite all community members to come and help at a work party on Sunday June 6th.  Bring your shovels, axes, mauls, mattocks, rakes, spades, and muscles because we need to split firewood, limb trees, repair fences, set up the new water tank, dig a trench for the propane line so the tank can be situated safely away from the Hall, and haul forest brush (also for fire safety).  The more the bodies, the easier the work for everyone so please come out and show that you love and appreciate the Hall as the heart it is for Lasqueti. Sunday, June 6th, from 10am to 4ish.  Come when you can. Tea and soup provided.  Thanks in advance.


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