Narwhals of Baffin Bay

Jess's picture

NARWHALS hardly qualify as Lasqueti wildlife. But they're enchanting. I got to write about them for a recent issue of National Wildlife (see opening spread and link below). The photographer, Paul Nicklen, grew up in the Canadian Arctic, and I think you'll find his pictures stunning. Now if I did this right, you should be able to click on the opening spread photo and go to the full story. (If not, here's a text link.) JSS

NARWHALS hardly qualify as Lasqueti wildlife. But their enchanting and SO Canadian. I got to write about them--though not actually see one--for a recent issue of National Wildlife. The photos, by Canadian photographer, Paul Nicklen, are stunning. If I did this right, you should be able to click on the opening spread, above, and go to the full story. If not, here's the link again. JSS
















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