Tree Pruning workshop with Bow

Event Date: 
Saturday, March 14, 2009 - 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Tree Pruning Workshop with BOW
Sat March 14 - weather permitting
1 pm until 5- 6 pm
$20 per person  - 6 -8 people ( if more interested alternate date could be
still lots of time - can prune right up to blooming!
bring pen pad / paper - and questions ...
class will start with 1 hour of theory - class room style
then will move on to practical
call or email Elliot to confirm your space in work shop and to get more
thanks and hope to see you there!
Elliot Neck
Ducktape Productions Inc.
250-333-8781 home
604-836-5480 cell
elliotneck [at] gmail [dot] com
elliot [at] lasqueti [dot] ca


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