earthhealing's blog

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The Earth Spirit Returns

The Earth Spirit left us 2 years ago, as it needed to go to hospital, the Creation Light Ship. It had only 2-3% of its original energy remaining and could no longer stay in its integrity. The Creation Light Ship searched around and found another 27% of Earth’s original pieces. The rest had to be recreated from its original blueprint template.

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When Disclosure Serves Secrecy

This timely paper was written by Dr.Steven Greer in 1999 when he was about to brief the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)  Director.  If you are interested in Disclosure this is a "must read" as you need to know the potential of Disclosure : both the positive and the negative.

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The NESARA Transformation Part B

Part B; NESARA Transformation

My homework task in Macroeconomics was to answer some economic questions truthfully     It comes from the US perspective but Canada is being affected as well.

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The NESARA Transformation Part A

My homework task in Macroeconomics was to answer some economic questions truthfully  Sorry it comes from the US perspective but Canada will be affected as well.

Part A; High unemployment, interest rates near 0, inflation is about 2% annually, GDP growth less than 2% annually.

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NESARA Desperately Floundering to Become Visible

NESARA is franticly trying to appear on earth right now. For the last two decades the grassroots secret underground societies have been putting structure in place trying to make it manifest. For 1000s of years the dark parasites have been influencing our lives to keep us unaware of the devious ways that they have regularly designed to keep things going in their favor.

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