joseph's blog

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You don't have a plan...

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My letter to the CRTC

Here's what I sent to the CRTC - for whatever good it does.  I think we need to organize and get this message out in the media - and put some pressure on our politicians.  Telus needs to feel some heat to live up to their obligations, and we are just a few tiny voices calling in the woods.

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To HST or not to HST - that's the question?

There are lots of reasons to object to the way the HST was brought in, the lies we were told by the Fiberals, and the general lack of regard they have displayed towards the voters of BC.  But is it bad for BC??

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Why I quit my job...

Well, I didn't quit my job, but Kai Nagata from CTV news recently did, and his story about the state of Canada's private and public media that precipitated a major life change for him is really worth reading:

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Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano

Check out these photos...
Puyehue-Cordon Caulle from
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