Why do I need an account?

User accounts provide a simple way to control access to certain features and tailor the website to your personal preferences.

The new website is participatory – it allows you to create and manage all kinds of content. But, we need to control who can contribute – we don’t want spammers and pornographers on our site (at least most of us don’t want pornographers ;-).  

Also, you can tailor the site to suit your preferences - when you are logged in, the site will use your personal settings.  For example, if you use a dial-up connection, you can choose to not see all of the image slideshows that noramally accompany each page - but the site needs to know it's you to use your preferences.

Creating an account is simple and takes only a moment - see How To: Create an Account.

Once you are logged in, your "session" will remain active for up to 30 days, even if you close your browser.  So as long as you use the same computer, you won't need to log-in again.  This also implies that it is very important to log out if you are using a public computer, or others will have access to your account!  (It is possible for your session to get a bit "scrambled" during site updates, and other changes - try logging out and then log in again.  If login problems persist, please see books/how-to/login.)


Crystals and Chamomile's page

The craft items you show below my pictures are not available in my store. Never have been. I find the new site a little confusing, I just wanted to read announcments and the message board, and have no idea how to get there. Keep in mind that I am not a computer whiz. Love Joy There seems to be a lot of computer lingo (allowed htmltags etc etc) that just confuse me and make the page in my mind to messy to try to figure out. My mind goes " this is going to be too hard."

Sorry Joy

The C&C page was one  I was used during site development.  Those photos were provided to me with the old site (with your page) - I will remove them and would be happy to post updated photos of products you do carry!

"I find the new site a little confusing..."

No doubt!  Although the new site looks a bit like the old one, it is not at all similar - it really changes the paradigm of a web site from being a static "read only" document to being a dynamic, interactive "community application".  The adjustment is bound to be  confusing, but I really trust you'll find the new site offers enough advantages to be worth a little learning effort.  I have been writing monthly articles in Our Isle & Times to try to introduce some of these ideas in a very low-tech setting.

"I just wanted to read announcments and the message board"

 The announcements are right on the front page - look on the right side for "What's News" (new announcements) and "Upcoming Events".  Click on a title to see the article - click on the "more" link to see an expanded version.

There is a link to the Message Board in the "Quick Links" menu on the left.  IMPORANT NOTE: anyone can read messages, but you must be logged in to write a message.  Create yourself an account - see: http://lasqueti.ca/books/how-to/create-account

My mind goes " this is going to be too hard."

There will definitely be something to learn - just like you learned how to use a program to send e-mail - but I have tried my best to carefully design the system to be easy to use without any  computer wizardry.  Please try to be patient, go slowly, learn a little at a time - I hope in time it will become a normal part of your digital world...


webmaster (at) lasqueti.ca

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