Best cellphone coverage

Hey now all, we are moving up to the area soon & I am wondering which cell phone carrier has the best coverage on the island? We can't wait to finally be there!



Kennedy & Reta Kinghorn


P.S.  We bought Wysteria's old place-just to remind ya ;)

joseph's picture

We've got Rogers...

works well in all locations with an exposure to the south (to Vancouver Island), and in French Creek.  Although does not get a signal in False Bay and I don't think at the Community Hall.  I'll try to remember to do a test up by your place next time I go by.

Best cell phone

 I used to have Telus with poor reception on the north end where I live. Made the mistake of going with Bell (rhymes with Hell). I would avoid them even if their reception was perfect - which it is not. In fact it was non-existent, which didn't stop them from billing me for months after that fact was established.  Don't get me started. I'm happy with Rogers - or as happy as I can be with a billion dollar corporation. 


Technically any satellite service will be your "best" reception. That's probably not an option because it's super expensive, but that's basically the only mobile phone system that would be largely reliable.

Rogers has some network near False Bay and a short ways in from the coast in some areas. However it depends on location and even in False Bay where I've found good reception a call can drop for seemingly no reason.

You're on an off-the-grid island. That includes the cell phone grid. I suggest embracing it and enjoying the freedom from it. =)

Eddie's picture


Anyone have experience with Fido cell reception? They're supposedly on the same network as Rogers so would love to know if it works just as well.