Lasqueti Transport Co-op
The Lasqueti Island Transport Co-op is a user dispatched ride-share cooperative, created to help people get around on Lasqueti, which has no taxi or bus service..
Each driver operates independently:
Current drivers are listed to the right
- Please contact drivers directly for ferry service, freight, tours, designated drivers and eldercare rides.
- Please be respectful of drivers' time by making clear reservations and do not make a double booking, "just in case."
- Rides are "at your own risk" - please make a suitable donation to cover drivers costs.
Information for co-op drivers:
- Drivers operate independently and must be self-responsible with public safety.
- Drivers must hold a valid BC drivers' license, display up-to-date vehicle license and insurance, and operate a clean, safe running vehicle.
- We are not a licensed taxi service, we are a ride share co-op - each driver must make their own safety and liability decisions.
- If you'd like to register as a co-op driver and be listed on this page, please visit: