David and Laura's blog

Entry warrants

In response to a question on the list about what "entry warrants" are, here is what we could find. This is from https://islandstrust.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ss-ltc_2019-05-28_rm-agd_pkg.pdf

Paper on COVID and culture

Of everything we've read, we've found that this paper gets to the heart of the conflict.

We'd encourage everyone to consider what it says.



David & Laura

Telus Service Survey Results

We ran a survey from April 10th through April 30th asking some questions about Telus service reliability and associated concerns arising from service reliability.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey. The next step is for us to forward these results in a letter to the qRD and to Gord Johns, our riding's MP.

April 14th 2019 Letter to Islands Trust LTC

Here is a copy of a letter to the Islands Trust LTC that they didn't seem to publish online as part of their minutes/meetings/letters, unlike our other letters. Perhaps an oversight and nothing more.

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