Scott's blog

Bullfrog Control Info:)

Here's a link to Stan A Orchards bullfrog control website. I've emailed him about getting one of the electric stun devices he uses. If it's affordable, I'm going to get one! If it's too expensive, maybe we could get one for the community and get on with eradicating these little buggers!

Attention bird lovers!!!! Scotts Miracle-Gro pleads guilty to selling poisoned bird seed

I will never buy or use any "Scott's" product again!

By Sarah Parsons
15 Mar 2012 11:26 AM

Implanted Biofuel Cell Operating in Living Snail

Anyone remember "The Island of Doctor Moreau"? Our insane culture is turning nature into a perverted mechanized industrial nightmare:(


Loaded Words: Writing as a combat discipline, Orion Magazine

Just thought I'd repost a recent article written by one of my favorite authors.....

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