Image Gallery Summary View


This module themes a views summary for a set of image galleries.  The image galleries are defined with a view using an argument (usually Term or User).  The summary view shows a thumbnail of the latest image from each gallery, the page title, last modified date, and number of images in the gallery.  This is nearly identical to the gallery summary provided by the Image module's Image Gallery contrib module.  This can be used to theme per-user gallery summaries or per-term gallery summaries.   I can't think of (and haven't tested) other possibilities, but it should work with any argument type and any node type that defines at least one image where you want a nice looking summary.

  • I just really liked the look of the Image Gallery module's summary page, but I wanted to use CCK imagefield rather than the Image module.  There seem to be a lot of people out there looking for this, but there just were no nice looking summary views available. 
  • All of the theming code was ripped directly from image_gallery.module :
  • The module is used, for example,  to create the summary view at:



  • a view with (1) a CCK imagefield defined as one of the fields; and (2) a view argument (like Term or User)
  • an imagecache preset named "Thumbnail" (this can be configured in the script)
  • a style-sheet for styling the gallery summary view - I've included image_gallery.css, ripped directly from the Image module.


  • combine this with the Views Summary Mock Menu modulette for a complete image gallery browsing experience!

Source Code

All code snippets, modules, and modulettes on this site are covered by GPL - see license.txt

The source code is attached below...

Full instructions for installing and using this module are included as comments in the source file.

summary_view_image_gallery.zip15.01 KB