Judith Fisher Center

Service Building at The Las. Resort...

Hey to everyone who volunteered on the service building....listen up. IT'S OPERATIONAL !! When you're in the area stop by to oogle the largest battery bank, solar array and controllers you'll probably ever see, as well as a wood gasification boiler supplying 175F water to the LIAS office and Barb Greene's abode.

1 1/2 yds concrete gravel needed at New Health center

The Health Center needs 1 1/2 yds of gravel, delivered near the low end of the foundation, to finish sealing the skimcoat ( the concrete floor) to the foundations. If you have some please call Karl 8633, or Bruce Grant 8632. The lumber for the construction to the top plate should be arriving Wednesday, so we're gearing up for the next push. The load after this one will have the roofing.

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